! ForMIDI: a small Fortran MIDI sequencer for composing music, exploring ! algorithmic music and music theory ! License GPL-3.0-or-later ! Vincent Magnin ! Last modifications: 2025-01-27 !> Contains the main class you need to create a MIDI file. module MIDI_file_class use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int8, int16, int32, error_unit use utilities, only: checked_int8, checked_int16, checked_int32 implicit none public !------------------------ !> Useful MIDI parameters !------------------------ !> Percussions channel (in the 0..15 range): integer, parameter :: drums = 9 !> Used by Note ON and Note OFF events: integer, parameter :: ON = 144 ! z'90' integer, parameter :: OFF = 128 ! z'80' !> The main class you need to create a MIDI file. type MIDI_file character(len=:), private, allocatable :: filename ! Output unit and file status: integer, private :: unit integer, private :: status ! To store where to write the size of a track in the file: integer(int32), private :: size_pos contains procedure, private :: init_formidi procedure, private :: write_variable_length_quantity procedure :: new procedure :: track_header procedure :: set_tempo procedure :: set_time_signature procedure :: end_of_track procedure :: get_name procedure, private :: write_track_size procedure :: Program_Change procedure :: play_note procedure :: play_chord procedure :: play_broken_chord procedure :: close procedure :: Control_Change procedure :: Pitch_Bend procedure :: Note_ON procedure :: Note_OFF procedure :: delta_time procedure :: poly_aftertouch procedure :: mono_aftertouch procedure, private :: write_string procedure :: text_event procedure, private :: copyright_notice procedure :: sequence_track_name procedure :: instrument_name procedure :: lyric procedure :: marker procedure :: cue_point end type MIDI_file contains !> Create a new MIDI file and its metadata track. !> Concerning the "divisions" argument, ForMIDI uses the "metrical timing" !> scheme, defining the number of ticks in a quarter note. The "timecode" !> scheme is not implemented. subroutine new(self, file_name, format, tracks, divisions, tempo, time_signature, copyright, text_event) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name integer, intent(in) :: format ! 8 bits integer, intent(in) :: tracks ! 16 bits integer, intent(in) :: divisions ! 32 bits integer, intent(in) :: tempo ! 32 bits integer, optional, intent(in) :: time_signature(:) character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: copyright character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: text_event integer(int8) :: octets(0:13) integer(int16) :: t integer(int32) :: d call self%init_formidi() self%filename = file_name ! Header chunk: "MThd" octets(0) = int(z'4d', int8) octets(1) = int(z'54', int8) octets(2) = int(z'68', int8) octets(3) = int(z'64', int8) ! Remaining size of the header (6 bytes): octets(4) = int(z'00', int8) octets(5) = int(z'00', int8) octets(6) = int(z'00', int8) octets(7) = int(z'06', int8) !> SMF format: !> 0: only one track in the file !> 1: several tracks played together (generally used) !> 2: several tracks played sequentially if ((format == 0) .and. (tracks > 1)) then write(error_unit, *) "ERROR 3: you can use only one track with SMF 0" stop 3 end if octets(8) = 0 octets(9) = checked_int8(format) ! Number of tracks (<=65535) t = checked_int16(tracks) octets(10) = int(ishft(t, -8), int8) octets(11) = int(t, int8) ! MIDI ticks per quarter note ("metrical timing" scheme): d = checked_int32(divisions) octets(12) = int(ishft(d, -8), int8) octets(13) = int(d, int8) open(newunit=self%unit, file=file_name, access='stream', status='replace', & & action='write', iostat=self%status) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets ! Starting with the metadata track: call self%track_header() if (present(copyright)) call self%copyright_notice(copyright) if (present(text_event)) call self%text_event(text_event) if (.not.present(time_signature)) then ! Default values 4/4 and 24 MIDI clocks (a quarter note) for the metronome: call set_time_signature(self, numerator=4, denominator=4, metronome=24) else if (size(time_signature) == 2) then ! The default metronome is 24 MIDI clocks (a quarter note): call set_time_signature(self, numerator=time_signature(1), denominator=time_signature(2), metronome=24) else call set_time_signature(self, numerator=time_signature(1), denominator=time_signature(2), & & metronome=time_signature(3)) end if end if call self%set_tempo(checked_int32(tempo)) ! For format 0, the only track must stay opened (and be closed by the ! user at the end of its program): if (format >= 1) then ! Closing the metadata track for formats 1 & 2: call self%end_of_track() end if end subroutine !> Verifies the needed data types. subroutine init_formidi(self) class(MIDI_file), intent(in) :: self ! We need those kinds for writing MIDI files. if ((int8 < 0) .or. (int16 < 0) .or. (int32 < 0)) then write(error_unit, *) "ERROR 1: int8 and/or int16 and/or int32 not supported!" error stop 1 end if end subroutine !> MIDI delta times are composed of one to four bytes, depending on their !> values. If there is still bytes to write, the MSB (most significant bit) !> of the current byte is 1, else 0. !> This functions is automatically tested. !> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable-length_quantity pure function variable_length_quantity(i) result(VLQ) integer(int32), intent(in) :: i integer(int8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: VLQ integer(int32) :: j, again ! A First In Last Out 4 bytes stack (or Last In First Out): integer(int32) :: filo ! We use a variable j because i has intent(in): j = i filo = 0 ! The 7 least significant bits are placed in filo (0x7F = 0b01111111): filo = iand(j, z'7F') ! They are now eliminated from j by shifting bits of j 7 places ! to the right (zeros are introduced on the left): j = ishft(j, -7) ! The same process is a applied until j is empty: do if (j == 0) exit ! The bits already in filo are shifted 1 byte to the left ! (filo is Little Endian): filo = ishft(filo, +8) ! A byte of j with the most signicant bit set to 1 (0x80 = 0b10000000) ! can now be added on the right of filo: filo = filo + ior(iand(j, z'7F'), z'80') ! Preparing next iteration: j = ishft(j, -7) end do ! Starting with a void array: allocate(VLQ(0)) ! The bytes accumulated in filo are now written in the VLQ array ! in the reverse order (MIDI files are Big Endian): do ! Appending the LSB of filo in the VLQ array: VLQ = [ VLQ, int(filo, int8) ] ! Is the bit 8 a 1? (meaning there is still other bytes to read): again = iand(filo, z'80') if (again /= 0) then ! The written LSB can now be eliminated before next iteration: filo = ishft(filo, -8) else ! Nothing left to write: exit end if end do end function variable_length_quantity !> Writes the integer i in the MIDI file !> using the variable length quantity representation: subroutine write_variable_length_quantity(self, i) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer(int32), intent(in) :: i integer(int32) :: j integer(int8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array ! The maximum possible MIDI value: if (i > int(z'0FFFFFFF', int32)) then write(error_unit, *) "ERROR 2: delay > 0x0FFFFFFF ! ", i error stop 2 end if array = variable_length_quantity(i) ! The bytes are now written in the file: do j = 1, size(array) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) array(j) end do end subroutine write_variable_length_quantity !> Each MIDI event must be preceded by a delay called "delta time", !> expressed in MIDI ticks. subroutine delta_time(self, ticks) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: ticks call self%write_variable_length_quantity(checked_int32(ticks)) end subroutine !> Closes the MIDI file. subroutine close(self) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self close(self%unit, iostat=self%status) end subroutine !> Writes a track header and stores the position where the size of the !> track will be written when the track will be closed. subroutine track_header(self, track_name, text_event) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: track_name character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: text_event integer(int8) :: octets(0:7) ! The chunk begin with "MTrk": octets(0) = int(z'4d', int8) octets(1) = int(z'54', int8) octets(2) = int(z'72', int8) octets(3) = int(z'6b', int8) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets(0:3) ! Size of the data. Unknown for the moment. ! We memorize the position and will write the size when known. inquire(unit=self%unit, POS=self%size_pos) octets(4) = int(z'00', int8) octets(5) = int(z'00', int8) octets(6) = int(z'00', int8) octets(7) = int(z'00', int8) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets(4:7) if (present(track_name)) call self%sequence_track_name(track_name) if (present(text_event)) call self%text_event(text_event) end subroutine !> Returns the name of the MIDI file: function get_name(self) class(MIDI_file), intent(in) :: self character(len(self%filename)) :: get_name get_name = self%filename end function !> Specifies a tempo change by writing the duration of a quarter note !> expressed in µs. It is coded on 3 bytes: from 1 µs to 256**3 µs ~ 16.7 s. !> A duration of 500000 µs = 0.5 s is equivalent to a 120 bpm tempo. !> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempo subroutine set_tempo(self, duration) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: duration ! 32 bits integer(int32) :: d integer(int8) :: octets(0:5) !> MIDI events must always be preceded by a "delta time", even if null: call self%delta_time(0) !> Metadata always begin by 0xFF. Here, these codes mean we will define !> the music tempo: octets(0) = int(z'FF', int8) octets(1) = int(z'51', int8) octets(2) = int(z'03', int8) ! Writes the tempo value: d = checked_int32(duration) octets(3) = int(ishft(d, -16), int8) octets(4) = int(ishft(d, -8), int8) octets(5) = int(d, int8) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine !> The time signature includes the numerator, the denominator, !> the number of MIDI clocks between metronome ticks, !> (there are 24 MIDI clocks per quarter note) !> and the number of 32nd notes in a quarter note. !> The number of "MIDI clocks" between metronome clicks. subroutine set_time_signature(self, numerator, denominator, metronome, tsnotes) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: numerator, denominator, metronome ! 8 bits integer, optional, intent(in) :: tsnotes ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:6) ! MIDI events must always be preceded by a "delta time", even if null: call self%delta_time(0) ! Metadata always begin by 0xFF. Here, these bytes mean we will define ! the time signature: octets(0) = int(z'FF', int8) octets(1) = int(z'58', int8) octets(2) = int(z'04', int8) ! The data: octets(3) = checked_int8(numerator) ! That byte is the power of 2 of the denominator, for example 3 for ! a denominator whose value is 8: octets(4) = checked_int8(nint(log(real(denominator))/log(2.0))) octets(5) = checked_int8(metronome) if (present(tsnotes)) then octets(6) = checked_int8(tsnotes) else octets(6) = 8_int8 ! Default value end if write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine set_time_signature !> Each channel (0..15) can use one General MIDI instrument (0..127) at !> a time. subroutine Program_Change(self, channel, instrument) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, instrument ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:1) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'C0', int8) + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(instrument) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine !> Apply a pitch bend to all notes currently sounding on the channel. !> No bend is 00 40 (64 in decimal), maximum downward bend is 00 00, !> maximum upward bend is 7F 7F. !> The Least Significant Byte (lsb) is optional (default value is 0), !> as it is useful only for fine adjustment. !> You can not use it with play_note, play_chord or play_broken_chord: you !> must manage yourself the Note ON and Note OFF events, and put the bend !> between. subroutine Pitch_Bend(self, channel, lsb, msb) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel ! 8 bits (0..15) integer, optional, intent(in) :: lsb ! 8 bits (0..127) integer, intent(in) :: msb ! 8 bits (0..127) integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'E0', int8) + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) if (present(lsb)) then octets(1) = checked_int8(lsb) else octets(1) = 0_int8 end if octets(2) = checked_int8(msb) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine Pitch_Bend !> Many MIDI parameters can be set by Control Change. See the list. subroutine Control_Change(self, channel, type, ctl_value) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, type, ctl_value ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'B0', int8) + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(type) octets(2) = checked_int8(ctl_value) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine !> Writes a Note ON event. MIDI notes are in the range 0..127 !> The attack velocity is in the range 1..127 and will set the volume. !> A Note ON event with a zero velocity is equivalent to a Note OFF. subroutine Note_ON(self, channel, note, velocity) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note, velocity ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) octets(0) = ON + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(note) octets(2) = checked_int8(velocity) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine Note_ON !> Writes a Note OFF event. MIDI notes are in the range 0..127 !> The release velocity is in the range 0..127. subroutine Note_OFF(self, channel, note, velocity) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note ! 8 bits integer, optional, intent(in) :: velocity ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) octets(0) = OFF + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(note) if (present(velocity)) then octets(2) = checked_int8(velocity) else octets(2) = 64 ! Default value if no velocity captor end if write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine Note_OFF !> Write a Note ON event, waits for its duration, and writes a Note OFF. subroutine play_note(self, channel, note, velocity, value) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note, velocity ! 8 bits integer, intent(in) :: value ! 32 bits call self%delta_time(0) call self%Note_ON(channel, note, velocity) call self%delta_time(checked_int32(value)) call self%Note_OFF(channel, note) end subroutine !> Writes a polyphonic key pressure (poly aftertouch) event. !> The pressure is in the range 0..127. subroutine poly_aftertouch(self, channel, note, pressure) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note, pressure ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'A0', int8) + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(note) octets(2) = checked_int8(pressure) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine poly_aftertouch !> Writes a Channel-wide pressure (mono aftertouch) event. !> The pressure is in the range 0..127. subroutine mono_aftertouch(self, channel, pressure) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, pressure ! 8 bits integer(int8) :: octets(0:1) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'D0', int8) + checked_int8(channel, upper=15) octets(1) = checked_int8(pressure) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets end subroutine mono_aftertouch !> A track must end with 0xFF2F00. subroutine end_of_track(self) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer(int8) :: octets(0:2) call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'FF', int8) octets(1) = int(z'2F', int8) octets(2) = int(z'00', int8) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets ! Then write the size of the track at its beginning: call self%write_track_size() end subroutine !> Must be called when the track is finished. It writes its size at the !> memorized position in the track header. subroutine write_track_size(self) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer(int8) :: octets(0:3) integer(int32) :: track_size integer(int32) :: pos_end_of_file ! Computes its size in bytes: inquire(unit=self%unit, POS=pos_end_of_file) track_size = pos_end_of_file - (self%size_pos+4) octets(0) = int(ishft(track_size, -24), int8) octets(1) = int(ishft(track_size, -16), int8) octets(2) = int(ishft(track_size, -8), int8) octets(3) = int(track_size, int8) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status, POS=self%size_pos) octets ! Back to the current end of the file: write(self%unit, iostat=self%status, POS=pos_end_of_file) end subroutine !> This subroutine is used my many events. !> The text must be coded in ASCII (7 bits). subroutine write_string(self, event, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: event ! 8 bits character(len=*), intent(in) :: text integer(int8) :: octets(0:1) integer :: i call self%delta_time(0) octets(0) = int(z'FF', int8) octets(1) = checked_int8(event) write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) octets call self%write_variable_length_quantity(len(text)) do i = 1, len(text) ! We suppose the system is using ASCII: write(self%unit, iostat=self%status) iachar(text(i:i), int8) end do end subroutine !> Text event: FF 01 len text subroutine text_event(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=1, text=text) end subroutine !> Copyright Notice event: FF 02 len text subroutine copyright_notice(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=2, text=text) end subroutine !> Sequence or Track Name event: FF 03 len text subroutine sequence_track_name(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=3, text=text) end subroutine !> Instrument Name event: FF 04 len text subroutine instrument_name(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=4, text=text) end subroutine !> Lyric event: FF 05 len text subroutine lyric(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=5, text=text) end subroutine !> Marker event: FF 06 len text subroutine marker(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=6, text=text) end subroutine !> Cue Point event: FF 07 len text subroutine cue_point(self, text) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self character(len=*), intent(in) :: text call self%write_string(event=7, text=text) end subroutine !> Writes a chord, waits for its duration, and writes the OFF events subroutine play_chord(self, channel, note, chord, velocity, value) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note ! 8 bits integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chord integer, intent(in) :: velocity ! 8 bits integer, intent(in) :: value ! 32 bits integer :: i do i = 1, size(chord) call self%delta_time(0) call self%Note_ON(channel, note + chord(i), velocity) end do call self%delta_time(checked_int32(value)) do i = 1, size(chord) call self%Note_OFF(channel, note + chord(i)) if (i < size(chord)) call self%delta_time(0) end do end subroutine !> Writes a broken chord using an array containing the intervals !> (see the music_common module). !> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpeggio subroutine play_broken_chord(self, channel, note, chord, velocity, value, values) class(MIDI_file), intent(inout) :: self integer, intent(in) :: channel, note ! 8 bits integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: chord integer, intent(in) :: velocity ! 8 bits integer, optional, intent(in) :: value ! 32 bits integer, dimension(:), optional, intent(in) :: values ! 32 bits integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: values_array integer(int32) :: dnote, residual integer :: i !> You must pass either a scalar value (whole duration) or a values array !> (containing the values for each note). if (((present(value).and.present(values)).or.(.not.present(value) .and. .not.present(values)))) then error stop "ERROR in play_broken_chord(): problem with value/values arguments" end if if (present(values)) then values_array = values else ! Each note will have the the same duration: dnote = nint(real(checked_int32(value)) / size(chord)) ! The MIDI duration being an integer, the last note of the chord may ! have a slightly different duration to keep the total duration exact: residual = checked_int32(value) - dnote*(size(chord) - 1) allocate(values_array(size(chord))) values_array(1:size(chord)-1) = dnote values_array(size(chord)) = residual end if ! Each note is sequentially played: call self%delta_time(0) do i = 1, size(chord) call self%Note_ON(channel, note + chord(i), velocity) call self%delta_time(values_array(i)) end do ! All notes are finally set off: do i = 1, size(chord) call self%Note_OFF(channel, note + chord(i)) ! The delta time must always be placed before a note: if (i < size(chord)) call self%delta_time(0) end do deallocate(values_array) end subroutine play_broken_chord end module MIDI_file_class