add_bell Subroutine

public subroutine add_bell(tape, track, t1, f, Amp)

Adds a Risset bell sound on the track at t1. Jean-Claude Risset, An Introductory Catalogue Of Computer Synthesized Sounds, Bell Telephone Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey, 1969.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tape_recorder), intent(inout) :: tape
integer, intent(in) :: track
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: t1
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: Amp


proc~~add_bell~~CallsGraph proc~add_bell add_bell proc~fit_exp fit_exp proc~add_bell->proc~fit_exp

Called by

proc~~add_bell~~CalledByGraph proc~add_bell add_bell program~multiplication_bells multiplication_bells program~multiplication_bells->proc~add_bell

Source Code

    subroutine add_bell(tape, track, t1, f, Amp)
        type(tape_recorder), intent(inout) :: tape
        integer, intent(in)  :: track
        real(wp), intent(in) :: t1, f, Amp
        real(wp) :: t, t2
        real(wp) :: ratio, q
        real(wp) :: signal
        integer  :: i

        ratio = f / 368._wp ! [Risset, 1969] gives a bell with a 368 Hz fundamental.
        t2 = t1 + 20._wp    ! The longest partial (hum) is lasting 20 seconds.

        ! The MIN() is used to stay inside the tape arrays.
        do concurrent(i = nint(t1*RATE) : MIN(nint(t2*RATE)-1, tape%samples))
            t = t1 + (i - nint(t1*RATE)) * dt

            q = (2*PI*ratio)*(t-t1)
            ! The eleven frequencies come from [Risset, 1969], sound #430.
            ! x1 and x2 are the start and end of an exponentially decaying envelope
            ! and y1 and y2 are its height at x1 and x2.
            signal = Amp * ( &
                ! Hum (with beating between 224 Hz and 225 Hz):
                 &   fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=1.5_wp, x2=t1+20._wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*224.0_wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=1._wp,  x2=t1+18._wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*225.0_wp) &
                ! Fundamental (with beating between 368 Hz and 369.7 Hz):
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=1.5_wp, x2=t1+13._wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*368.0_wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2.7_wp, x2=t1+11._wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*369.7_wp) &
                ! Other partials:
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=4._wp,  x2=t1+6.5_wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*476.0_wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2.5_wp, x2=t1+7._wp,  y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*680.0_wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2.2_wp, x2=t1+5._wp,  y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*800.0_wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2._wp,  x2=t1+4._wp,  y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*1096._wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2._wp,  x2=t1+3._wp,  y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*1200._wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=1.5_wp, x2=t1+2._wp,  y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*1504._wp) &
                 & + fit_exp(t, x1=t1+0._wp, y1=2._wp,  x2=t1+1.5_wp, y2=0.001_wp) * sin(q*1628._wp) )

            tape%left( track, i) = tape%left( track, i) + signal
            tape%right(track, i) = tape%right(track, i) + signal
        end do
    end subroutine add_bell