radioactivity Program


  • program~~radioactivity~~UsesGraph program~radioactivity radioactivity module~envelopes envelopes program~radioactivity->module~envelopes module~forsynth forsynth program~radioactivity->module~forsynth module~morse_code morse_code program~radioactivity->module~morse_code module~music music program~radioactivity->module~music module~music_common music_common program~radioactivity->module~music_common module~tape_recorder_class tape_recorder_class program~radioactivity->module~tape_recorder_class module~wav_file_class wav_file_class program~radioactivity->module~wav_file_class module~envelopes->module~forsynth module~envelopes->module~tape_recorder_class iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~forsynth->iso_fortran_env module~morse_code->module~tape_recorder_class module~signals signals module~morse_code->module~signals module~music->module~envelopes module~music->module~forsynth module~music->module~music_common module~music->module~tape_recorder_class module~music->module~signals module~tape_recorder_class->module~forsynth module~wav_file_class->module~forsynth module~wav_file_class->module~tape_recorder_class module~wav_file_class->iso_fortran_env module~signals->module~envelopes module~signals->module~forsynth module~signals->module~tape_recorder_class

Radioactive decay of a population of atoms. A tribute to Kraftwerk. Chords are played on a 2nd track and Morse code on a third track.


program~~radioactivity~~CallsGraph program~radioactivity radioactivity proc~add_chord add_chord program~radioactivity->proc~add_chord proc~add_geiger_ping add_geiger_ping program~radioactivity->proc~add_geiger_ping proc~add_morse_code add_morse_code program~radioactivity->proc~add_morse_code proc~adsr_new ADSR_envelope%ADSR_new program~radioactivity->proc~adsr_new proc~close_wav_file WAV_file%close_WAV_file program~radioactivity->proc~close_wav_file proc~create_wav_file WAV_file%create_WAV_file program~radioactivity->proc~create_wav_file proc~fr fr program~radioactivity->proc~fr proc~get_name WAV_file%get_name program~radioactivity->proc~get_name proc~mix_tracks tape_recorder%mix_tracks program~radioactivity->proc~mix_tracks proc~string_to_morse string_to_morse program~radioactivity->proc~string_to_morse proc~add_note add_note proc~add_chord->proc~add_note proc~add_sine_wave add_sine_wave proc~add_morse_code->proc~add_sine_wave proc~finalize tape_recorder%finalize proc~close_wav_file->proc~finalize proc~write_normalized_data WAV_file%write_normalized_data proc~close_wav_file->proc~write_normalized_data proc~new tape_recorder%new proc~create_wav_file->proc~new proc~write_header WAV_file%write_header proc~create_wav_file->proc~write_header proc~add_note->proc~add_sine_wave proc~adsr_level ADSR_envelope%ADSR_level proc~add_sine_wave->proc~adsr_level proc~clear_tracks tape_recorder%clear_tracks proc~new->proc~clear_tracks


Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: N = N0
integer, parameter :: N0 = 5000
integer :: atom(N0) = 1
real(kind=wp) :: d_note
real(kind=wp), parameter :: delta_t = tau/10000
type(WAV_file) :: demo
real(kind=wp), parameter :: duration = 120._wp
type(ADSR_envelope) :: env
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: nb_notes
integer :: note
integer, parameter :: notes(1:40) = [6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6]
real(kind=wp), parameter :: p = 1-exp(-log(2._wp)*delta_t/tau)
real(kind=wp) :: r
real(kind=wp) :: t = 0
real(kind=wp) :: t_end
real(kind=wp), parameter :: tau = 8._wp


subroutine add_geiger_ping(tape, track, t1, t2, f, Amp)

Adds the signal of a radioactive decay heard with a Geiger counter.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tape_recorder), intent(inout) :: tape
integer, intent(in) :: track
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: t1
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: t2
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: Amp

Source Code

program radioactivity
    use forsynth, only: wp, dt, RATE, PI
    use wav_file_class, only: WAV_file
    use tape_recorder_class
    use music, only: fr, add_chord
    use music_common, only: WHOLE_TONE_SCALE, MAJOR_CHORD
    use envelopes, only: ADSR_envelope
    use morse_code, only: string_to_morse, add_morse_code

    implicit none
    type(WAV_file) :: demo
    type(ADSR_envelope) :: env
    integer, parameter :: N0 = 5000     ! Number of atoms
    integer  :: N = N0                  ! Number of remaining radioactive atoms
    integer  :: atom(N0) = 1            ! The population of atoms, in state 1
    real(wp) :: t = 0                   ! Time in seconds
    real(wp) :: t_end                   ! Position of the end of the first track
    real(wp) :: d_note                  ! Duration of each chord
    real(wp), parameter :: duration = 120._wp    ! Duration of the WAV file
    real(wp), parameter :: tau = 8._wp           ! Half-life in seconds
    real(wp), parameter :: delta_t = tau/10000   ! Time step of the simulation
    ! Decay probability during delta_t:
    real(wp), parameter :: p = 1 - exp(-log(2._wp) * delta_t/tau)
    real(wp) :: r           ! Pseudo-random number
    integer  :: i, j, note, nb_notes
    ! Melody of the chords on track 2:
    integer, parameter :: notes(1:40) = [ 6,5,6,5,6,4,5,4,5,3,4,3,4,2,3,2,3,1,2, &
                                        & 1,2,1,3,2,3,2,4,3,4,3,5,4,5,4,6,5,6,5,6,6 ]

    print *, "It may take a few minutes to compute..."

    ! We create a new WAV file, and define the number of tracks and its duration:
    call demo%create_WAV_file('radioactivity.wav', tracks=3, duration=duration)

    ! We create an ADSR envelope that will be passed to signals (add_chord):
    call env%new(A=15._wp, D=15._wp, S=70._wp, R=45._wp)

        ! Scanning the whole population:
        do i = 1, N0
            ! Is this atom still in its original state?
            if (atom(i) /= 0) then
                ! Monte Carlo event:
                call random_number(r)
                if (r < p) then   ! Radioactive decay
                    atom(i) = 0
                    N = N - 1
                    if (t+5._wp < duration) then
                        call add_geiger_ping(demo%tape_recorder, track=1, t1=t, t2=t+5._wp, &
                                           & f=440._wp, Amp=1._wp)
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end do

        t = t + delta_t

        if (N == 0) exit      ! No more radioactive atoms
    end do

    ! Track 2: synth chords
    t_end = t
    nb_notes = 2*40
    d_note = t_end / nb_notes

    do j = 1, nb_notes
        ! The same sequence is played twice:
        if (j <= 40) then
            note = notes(j)
            note = notes(j-40)
        end if

        call add_chord(demo%tape_recorder, track=2, t1=(j-1)*d_note, t2=j*d_note, &
                     & f=fr(trim(WHOLE_TONE_SCALE(note)) // "3"), &
                     & Amp=0.1_wp, chord=MAJOR_CHORD, envelope=env)
    end do

    ! Track 3: Morse code
    call add_morse_code(demo%tape_recorder, track=3, t1=2._wp,  f=880._wp, &
                      & Amp=0.3_wp, string=string_to_morse("RADIOACTIVITY"))
    call add_morse_code(demo%tape_recorder, track=3, t1=35._wp, f=880._wp, &
                      & Amp=0.3_wp, string=string_to_morse("DISCOVERED BY MADAME CURIE"))
    call add_morse_code(demo%tape_recorder, track=3, t1=75._wp, f=880._wp, &
                      & Amp=0.3_wp, string=string_to_morse("IS IN THE AIR FOR YOU AND ME"))

    ! All tracks will be mixed on track 0.
    ! Needed even if there is only one track!
    call demo%mix_tracks()
    call demo%close_WAV_file()

    print *,"You can now play the file ", demo%get_name()


    !> Adds the signal of a radioactive decay heard with a Geiger counter.
    subroutine add_geiger_ping(tape, track, t1, t2, f, Amp)
        type(tape_recorder), intent(inout) :: tape
        integer, intent(in)  :: track
        real(wp), intent(in) :: t1, t2, f, Amp
        real(wp) :: b

        ! Pulsation (radians/second):
        real(wp) :: omega
        ! Time in seconds:
        real(wp) :: t
        integer  :: i

        omega = 2 * PI * f
        t = 0._wp
        do i = nint(t1*RATE), nint(t2*RATE)-1
            ! Bessel functions of the first kind: a short ping
            b = Amp * bessel_jn(1, omega*t) * bessel_jn(2, omega*t)
            tape%left( track, i) = tape%left( track, i) + b
            tape%right(track, i) = tape%right(track, i) + b

            t = t + dt
        end do
    end subroutine add_geiger_ping

end program radioactivity