wav_file_class Module

The main class that you will use to create your WAV files.


  • module~~wav_file_class~~UsesGraph module~wav_file_class wav_file_class iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~wav_file_class->iso_fortran_env module~forsynth forsynth module~wav_file_class->module~forsynth module~tape_recorder_class tape_recorder_class module~wav_file_class->module~tape_recorder_class module~forsynth->iso_fortran_env module~tape_recorder_class->module~forsynth

Used by

  • module~~wav_file_class~~UsedByGraph module~wav_file_class wav_file_class program~all_signals all_signals program~all_signals->module~wav_file_class program~arpeggios arpeggios program~arpeggios->module~wav_file_class program~blues blues program~blues->module~wav_file_class program~chords_and_melody chords_and_melody program~chords_and_melody->module~wav_file_class program~demo_effects demo_effects program~demo_effects->module~wav_file_class program~doppler_effect doppler_effect program~doppler_effect->module~wav_file_class program~drone_music drone_music program~drone_music->module~wav_file_class program~drum_machine drum_machine program~drum_machine->module~wav_file_class program~misc_sounds misc_sounds program~misc_sounds->module~wav_file_class program~multiplication_bells multiplication_bells program~multiplication_bells->module~wav_file_class program~radioactivity radioactivity program~radioactivity->module~wav_file_class program~shepard_risset_glissando shepard_risset_glissando program~shepard_risset_glissando->module~wav_file_class program~shepard_scale shepard_scale program~shepard_scale->module~wav_file_class


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, parameter :: MAX_AMPLITUDE = 32767

Maximum amplitude in a WAV [-32768 ; +32767]:

integer, private :: status

Derived Types

type, public, extends(tape_recorder) ::  WAV_file


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=wp), public :: duration

Duration in seconds:

character(len=:), public, allocatable :: filename
integer, public :: fileunit
real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: left

Two arrays stocking the stereo tracks:

real(kind=wp), public, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: right

Two arrays stocking the stereo tracks:

integer, public :: samples

Number of samples:

integer, public :: tracks

Number of audio tracks (excluding track 0 reserved for the final mix):

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: clear_tracks
procedure, public :: close_WAV_file
procedure, public :: copy_section
procedure, public :: create_WAV_file
procedure, public :: finalize
procedure, public :: get_name
procedure, public :: mix_tracks
procedure, public :: new
procedure, private :: write_header
procedure, private :: write_normalized_data


public function get_name(self)

Returns the name of the WAV file:


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(WAV_file), intent(inout) :: self

Return Value character(len=len(self%filename))


public subroutine close_WAV_file(self)

Must be called at the end. It normalizes the channels, writes them in the WAV file and closes it. It also deallocate the tape arrays.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(WAV_file), intent(inout) :: self

public subroutine create_WAV_file(self, filename, tracks, duration)

Create a WAV file with a header:


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(WAV_file), intent(inout) :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: tracks
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: duration

public subroutine write_header(self)

Creates the 44 bytes WAV header and prints some information:


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(WAV_file), intent(inout) :: self

WAV parameters:

Read more…

public subroutine write_normalized_data(self)

This method normalizes the sound amplitude on track 0, before saving the left and right channels in the WAV file.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(WAV_file), intent(inout) :: self